Latest News from ATRA
Keep up to date with the latest news from ATRA and the tyre recycle industry.
ATRA Industry Newsletter March 2024
March 13, 2024
Industry news from Australia's used tyre recovery and recycling association, includes:
- Supply chain improving
- TDF offshore demand rising
- More work to be done tackling rogue retailers dumping tyres in the environment
- Crumb rubber demand small improvements
- OTR disposal continues to need work
ATRA questions TSA use of data
November 16, 2023
ATRA: Tyre Stewardship Australia data needs to be questioned
Greenhouse gas benefits of tyre derived fuels
February 9, 2017
New report demonstrates greenhouse gas benefits of Tyre Derived Fuel
A new report for ATRA demonstrates that replacing one tonne of black coal with tyre derived fuel (TDF) can save 1.05tonnes of CO2-e.
The report and accompanying media release can be found here
ATRA Statement on used tyre pyrolysis
December 2, 2015
TSA Launch Jan 2014
March 26, 2014
ATRA advises members to increase collection and recycling fees
January 29, 2015
ATRA has advised its members of the validity of a price increase for the collection and recycling of end of life tyres to offset a collapse in the offshore market for rubber products. The following market alert has been sent to retailers and other stakeholders.
Victorian EPA investigates waste tyre storage
March 24, 2016
More information available here:
Victorian regulations
October 13, 2013
New waste tyre regulations set to commence in Victoria. Licences required for any site holding more than 5000EPU’s. Details of the new licence scheme available here:
Recycling Process
July 30, 2013
Collection – Tyres can be collected from any location in Australia. Recyclers charge a small fee to tyre retailers to collect, transport, process and finally export this waste product. This fee is, in 80% of cases, the only income to recyclers and the cost of rest of the processes as outlined come out of this fee.
Manufacturing – ATRA members create useful products from old tyres preventing a valuable resource being dumped in landfill.
Products and Applications –
Crumb; for Adhesives, Asphalt, Explosives, Playgrounds, Sportsgrounds. Shred; for further processing to crumb or alternative fuels. Civil Products; for retaining walls, road construction, erosion protection.
ATRA does not support the export of while baled tyres out of Australia as these products represent a biosecurity risk to receiving countries and in the vast majority of cases go to unsustainable and highly polluting pyrolysis operations in countries like Malaysia.
More information is available at the Sustainability section of this site
Size Reduction – Tyres are shredded into chips or cut into pieces which cannot hold dirt or water.
Granulation – Chip is fed into a granulator to liberate steel from rubber.
Steel Removal – Magnetic separation of wire from rubber.
Grinding – Rubber is milled to further reduce in size.
Applications – Manufacturing, road construction and repairs, adhesives, playgrounds, civil construction and alternate fuels etc.